Podcast Interview for “On Air, Off Set”-Mental Health Issues in the Film and Entertainment Industry

I am currently in the process of getting some videos on my website so you all can get a better idea of who I am! I know in today’s world, we are so used to seeing and hearing someone…it can be weird to not know what they sound like or move like!

In the meantime, I hope to share with you an interview I did with Rob Albrecht on his podcast “On Air, Off Set.” Rob’s podcast covers a large range of topics, and has large range of guests! It all connects back to the film industry though, and Rob is able to share his own experiences in the industry to further explore each episodes topic.


In the episode I am featured on, we cover…you guessed it, “Therapy for Creatives!” A topic I of course love deeply! We get to talk about some of the patterns I see in my creative clients, and even some of the ways I help to address it.

So if you are curious…check it out!


Adweek Stress Awareness Podcast: Help for Creative Professionals


New Article for Backstage.com on Self-Sabotage in Actors and Entertainers!