How to Prepare for Your First Teletherapy Session

Whether this is your first session with a teletherapy therapist, or your first session ever, I understand that it can be intimidating and maybe even confusing! In this post, I hope to share some universal tips for preparing for your first teletherapy session with me or any other therapist. 

1) Setting up your session space.

For those having regular Zoom meetings for work, this might not require much preparation. However, it is still important to check beforehand that your space will work. Requirements for a good session space are privacy, comfortability, and internet accessibility. If privacy is limited, getting creative might be part of the equation. For instance, if you live with roommates and are worried about thin walls, having headphones handy can really help. If space is limited, bathrooms, closets, and patios have all been known to work. Privacy is something clients might not always think of ahead of time, and sometimes requires coordination with other housemates. Having extra time to address it can help make the process easier.

2) Testing the technology

Having issues with technology in the first session is sometimes unavoidable, but it can certainly make things smoother if you are able to test things out beforehand. If your therapist is using a program or website that is new to you, see if you can practice with a friend or check out the instructions online. Checking your internet connection before the session, or having an alternate plan ready is also a way to streamline things. I always have a few backup plans for my clients, but I generally recommend they keep their phone handy just in case internet fails us both.

3) Contemplating goals

I want to preface this one by saying, there definitely could be an argument made for over-prepping for therapy. Sometimes clients get in the habit of almost completely pre-planning a session which can get in the way of vulnerability needed for therapy. However, when it comes to a first session, many people want to “get to work.” I also know that many are nervous for first sessions, which is very normal. A little goal writing though can help get things moving, but also make you feel more comfortable about what it going to happen. With that said, if you do not know what your goals are…that is TOTALLY fine. That is what we as therapists are here for. 

What to do IN your first session

Ultimately, a first session is for your therapist to assess your needs, and for you to assess your feelings about treatment. While you might not have all the information you need, checking in with your emotions during the first session is what matters most. Do you feel connected or like you could connect to your therapist? Do you feel optimistic about the treatment discussed? Some of these questions may have been answered in the consult, but the first session is of course more extensive. Despite what inner insecurities might tell you, there is no “perfect” way to do therapy. The good news is that committing to the process, and showing up, means you are already on the way to change! 


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